10 Statements in Error

…at an autumn wedding “It was summer yesterday, so it will feel like summer at 9pm tomorrow.” “Taking this dark shortcut to cut off a corner of the highway is a good idea.” “They won’t mind if we use this back entrance.” “I already got my ID back from the hotel clerk.” “I can carryContinue reading “10 Statements in Error”

5 Ways Getting a Graduate Degree Is Like Buying a Car

One of the highlights of December 2014 was making the last of my student loan payments. I felt like the Genie at the end of Aladdin exclaiming, “I’m freeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Now, looking back at my years of student debt, I’ve been struck by the similarities between paying for a graduate degree and buying a car. AndContinue reading “5 Ways Getting a Graduate Degree Is Like Buying a Car”

The 12 Gifts Adulthood Gave to Me

On the first day of Christmas, adulthood gave to me…a dishwasher full of clean plates On the second day of Christmas, adulthood gave to me…unlimited museums On the third day of Christmas, adulthood gave to me…hole-free socks On the fourth day of Christmas, adulthood gave to me…sleeping in ’til 8 On the fifth day ofContinue reading “The 12 Gifts Adulthood Gave to Me”


My first thought on receiving my grad school’s alumni magazine was, “Only Wake students have such acute performance anxiety that they need a diagram to build a snowman.”       I suspect that I might be projecting. There are 32 days until Daylight Savings Time returns.

Favorite Grad School Snark

As grateful as I am not to be writing final papers this week, I have my fair share of fun and entertaining memories from my stint in graduate school. Here are a few of my favorites, dedicated to the procrastination efforts of the many graduate students lingering sleepless in the nation’s libraries: Grass Two-Con: productivityContinue reading “Favorite Grad School Snark”

Thanksgiving Punch

Annie and Grace always spent Thanksgiving together, but the year that they were ten, Grace noticed that something was different about Annie. “Why are your arms all hairy, and mine aren’t?” Grace asked. “Granny said hairy runs in my genes,” Annie announced nonchalantly. Grace looked puzzled. “What does that have to do with anything?” sheContinue reading “Thanksgiving Punch”

Let Me Give You One of My Cards

Tonight, I’m listening to Jimmy Stewart’s special narrative introduction to the movie Harvey. I’m getting ready to watch the movie, starring Stewart and Josephine Hull. He just used the phrase “squirmin’ in their seats.” I knew I loved this man. It’s also the perfect background noise for revising my statement of purpose and CV. JG:Continue reading “Let Me Give You One of My Cards”

Today’s Theme Song

Thousand-word Personal Statements If you miss the theme I’m on, you will know that I am goneYou can hear rejection’s “no” [from] a hundred miles,A hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles, a hundred miles,You can hear rejection’s “no” [from] a hundred miles. Lord I’m one, Lord I’m two, Lord I’m three, Lord I’mContinue reading “Today’s Theme Song”