Two-lane Roads Diverged

Driving through Virginia this week, I’m pretty sure I discovered why so many rural Americans voted for President Trump: it’s because they have had to follow two slow-as vehicles on a two-lane road. One you can handle. Two just make you long for anarchy. Everything feels stagnant, and any kind of change would be welcome.Continue reading “Two-lane Roads Diverged”

Turning End Tables

There was a new bruise on my knee this morning, roughly the size and shape of the coin slot in a pool table. This time I know where it originated (excitement over a particularly close shot in last night’s UNC – Oregon game while standing unfortunately close to the aforementioned pool table), but that’s notContinue reading “Turning End Tables”

The Wax in My Coffee

One day last week I was running late by the time I made it to the kitchen for my morning coffee. I was leading an early meeting, so I desperately needed caffeine. I reached automatically for the jar where I keep the beans. I shook it. It was the worst sound in the world–silence. ThereContinue reading “The Wax in My Coffee”

Sonnet #2016, for North Carolina

Sonnet #2016 If Shakespeare saw beyond the mask of death Sir Walter’s face stamped on this legal tryst, I think he’d turn to Richard, to Macbeth, to see what strain of tyranny he’d missed. He could not understand the roots of power so well as all the teachers have portrayed yet be so speechless onContinue reading “Sonnet #2016, for North Carolina”

‘Twas the Last Night for Healthcare

The story is a little bit different this Christmas eve… ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the States Not a creature was stirring, no food was on plates. The socials were entered, the forms filled with care, In fear lest the site would err. The uninsured families were tucked up in bed,Continue reading “‘Twas the Last Night for Healthcare”