Sonnet #2016, for North Carolina

Sonnet #2016 If Shakespeare saw beyond the mask of death Sir Walter’s face stamped on this legal tryst, I think he’d turn to Richard, to Macbeth, to see what strain of tyranny he’d missed. He could not understand the roots of power so well as all the teachers have portrayed yet be so speechless onContinue reading “Sonnet #2016, for North Carolina”

What does a mayor do?

If your city, like mine, is hosting municipal elections this week, you might be paying absolutely no attention. Or, you might be picking names based on the number of yard signs you’ve seen with a particular candidate’s name on them. After all, What does a mayor do, anyway? and What happens in a city councilContinue reading “What does a mayor do?”

Book-friendly Adventures

Moving to a new city solo can be an intimidating experience. If you’re like me, you might be too impatient to wait for friendships to develop before venturing out to see all that the new city has to offer. In light of that experience, I’ve realized that bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and other gathering placesContinue reading “Book-friendly Adventures”