How COVID Stole Christmas

Very little about COVID is funny. And yet, to quote Georgette Heyer, an author I’ve never read but think was onto something: “In real life tragedy and comedy are so intermingled that when one is most wretched ridiculous things happen to make one laugh in spite of oneself.” I hope you’ll enjoy this bit of humor and wordplay about the crazy season we’re in, and be able to laugh in spite of yourself.

*Politics is inescapable.

**Captions added, although it’s obviously better with my dulcet tones.

***Scientific errors are for the sake of puns, and I do not apologize.

Published by Jen

The author of Snark on the Side is not your average run-of-the-millennial generation. Jen is a contradiction in terms: a graceful klutz, a smart blond, a math-savvy English degree-holder, a southern liberal, and an adult amateur equestrian who doesn’t match her saddle pads. Snark on the Side is a work in progress, born out of years of rambling email newsletters and anthropomorphized Christmas letters, small town observations, and the ever-present irony of pursuing a career with a degree in English literature. Thanks for visiting!