About Me

Trust me: The Snark is much more interesting. But if you insist…

The author of Snark on the Side is not your average run-of-the-millennial generation.

Jen is a contradiction in terms: a graceful klutz, a smart blond, a math-savvy English major, a southern liberal, and an employed young adult with a master’s degree. Her resume-worthy skills include creating parodies, helping confused people, and learning bizarre things, while her latest ambition is to become Siri. Jen takes inspiration from a thespian seagull named Jason Applecore, the resident Muse of Snark.

Snark on the Side is a work in progress, born out of years of rambling email newsletters and anthropomorphized Christmas letters, small town observations, and the ever-present irony of pursuing a career in English literature.

Buckle your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen, and enjoy the ride.

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