Copyright and Copywrong

“It’s on the Internet, so it must be okay to use it.” Nooooooooooooooooo. As a long-time writer and blogger who currently works in the publishing industry, this has to be one of the most cringe-worthy statements I hear from fellow bloggers. And although most lawyers may be snarks, not all snarks are lawyers, so pleaseContinue reading “Copyright and Copywrong”

I’ve Got Sunshine: Blues, Beware!

Talk about a 180! Yesterday, the state of North Carolina was sealed in a gray plastic bag like the ones you get at WalMart (too many floating around after Black Friday, perhaps?). Today, the sun is out, the birds are singing, the sky is blue, and I am thrilled to be awake. It’s pretty great.Continue reading “I’ve Got Sunshine: Blues, Beware!”