
There are a lot of people seeing red these days. Apart from the ugliness in the news, I seem to be allergic to my house—either that, or my frustration with politics is literally beginning to change my eye color. It’s not a fun situation, and it may require me to move yet again if it doesn’tContinue reading “Gratuitous”

A Tiny, Prickly Anti-Snark

Every now and then, you encounter something too adorable for snark. (Thanks, Dave.) This little guy wins. Today is not a Tuesday, but the tiny things demand to be noticed. Must watch with sound. SOURCE: “Watching This Porcupine Taste This Pumpkin Is Why the World Is Going to Be Okay Today,” from Mother Jones.

An Appetizer of Snark

Yowza. It has been a while, blogging world! The Snark had to batten down the hatches and go into full-on survival mode for this crazy North Carolina winter, that’s what. I’ve been reduced to Tweet-length snark awards for the great rivalry between Ford and Cadillac;   politicians who publish stock video footage in an attemptContinue reading “An Appetizer of Snark”

The Fate of a Happy Snark

There is a bird singing outside my “office” window as I sit in a patch of sunshine at the end of another business day. Three hours of daylight remain. Do you know how dangerous these conditions are for the embattled race of snarks? Every time a child eats an ice cream cone while holding aContinue reading “The Fate of a Happy Snark”

Frozen April Poetry

In true irony, showcasing my eternally pessimistic nature, I welcomed in the spring with a poem called “Frozen.” Just kidding. Except not. I was thrilled to have my poem accepted by the poetry blog vox poetica! They are featuring the poem on “today’s words“; it will migrate to the poemblog after today. If you haven’tContinue reading “Frozen April Poetry”

I’ve Got Sunshine: Blues, Beware!

Talk about a 180! Yesterday, the state of North Carolina was sealed in a gray plastic bag like the ones you get at WalMart (too many floating around after Black Friday, perhaps?). Today, the sun is out, the birds are singing, the sky is blue, and I am thrilled to be awake. It’s pretty great.Continue reading “I’ve Got Sunshine: Blues, Beware!”